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  • Episode #2 - Cyber Escape

Episode #2 - Cyber Escape

When reality and virtuality collide with fatal consequences.

Episode #2 - Cyber Escape

In 2066, a retired banker, addicted to a hyper-realistic virtual world, meets a tragic end when a natural disaster severs his connection, leaving his fate unknown.

In the year 2065, the lines between reality and digital existence had blurred to the point of indistinction. For Johnny, a 54-year-old former banker, this new world was both a blessing and a curse. Every day, for over 18 hours, Johnny immersed himself in XPlanet, an AI-powered digital reality world that altered human perceptions to amplify dopamine release, creating an experience so vivid and pleasurable that it rendered the real world obsolete. XPlanet was a hyper-realistic realm where dreams were not just chased but lived.

Johnny’s real life was a stark contrast to his virtual existence. A decade ago, in 2055, he lost his job to Zella, an Artificially General Intelligent (AGI) female agent capable of running an entire bank autonomously. Zella’s inception marked the end for many bankers, displacing 17 million professionals globally. Johnny, once a successful banker, now lived on the universal basic income provided by the taxes imposed on AGI Bank, the very institution that created Zella. This income was a pittance, barely enough to sustain him in a dilapidated house in Miami, Florida.

Johnny’s physical form had deteriorated significantly. Obesity had crept in, a result of his sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. He was single, isolated from human connection, and his days were marked by monotony and despair. Yet, in XPlanet, he was a different person. There, he was a 24-year-old billionaire with over $100 million in crypt assets, owning six mansions and living with an AI girlfriend who provided him with new emotional experiences every day. In XPlanet, Johnny was thriving, experiencing the life he could only dream of in the base reality.

Despite the stark contrast between his real and virtual lives, Johnny’s top wish was to be unplugged from the base reality world and fully deployed in XPlanet. He yearned to escape the misery of his physical existence and permanently reside in the blissful illusions of the digital realm.

On April 15th, 2066, a fierce tornado struck Miami. Johnny’s house, fragile and neglected, succumbed to the violent winds and caught fire. Engrossed in XPlanet, Johnny was oblivious to the chaos unfolding around him. His senses, fully integrated with the XPlanet Brain-Computer Interface VR headset, were completely detached from the base reality. As the flames engulfed his home, Johnny remained in his chair, lost in a digital paradise.

That day, Johnny died. He was permanently unplugged from the base reality, but he never returned to XPlanet. His digital existence, as vibrant and fulfilling as it was, ceased along with his physical body. Only The Creator of the base reality world knew where Johnny’s consciousness would be deployed after death.

Johnny’s life was a testament to the perils of over-reliance on virtual reality. His story served as a stark reminder that no matter how advanced technology becomes, the essence of human experience remains tethered to the physical world, and the ultimate fate of our consciousness lies beyond the grasp of artificial realms.
About AI2071

AI 2071 is a speculative newsletter that explores the impacts of AI on society through episodic narratives. Each episode, set in a different future year, combines storytelling and digital art to illustrate how AI could profoundly shape our lives. Created to provoke thought and discussion, AI 2071 challenges perceptions and inspires a deeper understanding of AI's potential transformations. Each episode presents fictional scenarios to highlight the benefits and risks of advanced AI, making complex concepts accessible and engaging, and encouraging ongoing reflection among readers.