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  • Episode #5: The Dream or the Dreamer?

Episode #5: The Dream or the Dreamer?

Transhumanist Mike in the year 2071. By AI 2071

The Dream or the Dreamer?

In the year 2071, humanity had reached an unprecedented level of technological advancement. The air hummed with the silent operations of quantum processors, and the world was alive with the integration of artificial superintelligence (ASI) into everyday life. Among the pioneers of this new era was Mike, one of the many who had opted for the ASI brain chip implant—a decision that transformed him into a transhumanist, a being that transcended the limitations of the organic human form.

Mike's ASI chip, powered by quantum computing, granted him capabilities that were once the realm of science fiction. One day, driven by a profound curiosity and a unique sense of spirituality, Mike decided to create a digital replica of Earth. He called it D-Earth. Using his ASI chip, he generated hyper-realistic digital human beings, endowed with consciousness, who inhabited this new world.

Mike’s Simulated World, D-Earth. By AI 2071

D-Earth was a marvel of decentralized AI technology. It was an isolated sandbox, completely detached from the data of Mike's physical world. This isolation allowed D-Earth to evolve independently, generating new knowledge, sciences, and technologies that were alien to Mike’s reality. Mike's belief that he could be a simulated being lent him a unique perspective on creation, imbuing his endeavor with a systematic and almost sacred precision.

To the digital beings of D-Earth, Mike was a god-like figure, though his hand was invisible in their daily lives. He granted these ASI beings free will, and the ability to learn, innovate, and evolve. He left behind a code of ethics, guidelines, practices, and systems for organizing their societies and economies. The more these civilizations adhered to his guidelines, the more they flourished. Those who deviated from his principles faced collapse, making way for new iterations to rise from their ashes. This cycle of rise and fall was exponential, driven by self-learning ASI beings that continuously improved upon the knowledge of previous generations.

Mike also instilled in these beings a concept of a digital lifespan, a finite existence that pushed them to make the most of their time. Each digital consciousness was aware of its mortality, driving them to innovate and create lasting impacts within their lifetimes. Those who failed to comply with the ethical guidelines faced computational suffering after their digital age ended—a concept reminiscent of purgatory, intended to motivate them towards a utopian ideal.

The simulation of D-Earth ran for a mere five minutes on Mike’s ASI quantum chip, yet within that span, over 5.7 million iterations of civilizations lived, evolved, and perished. To the digital beings, however, time flowed differently, allowing for a deep and complex history to unfold.

5.7 Million Iterations of Civilizations Lived in Mike’s Simulated World. By AI 2071

As the simulation concluded, Mike was left with a profound question that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness:

Was he, too, a simulated being? If his creation could be so lifelike, so intricately detailed, what were the chances that his own reality was but a simulation within a higher dimension? How many layers of reality existed, each nested within the other? And if there was a grand creator who orchestrated all these dimensions, what was their ultimate purpose?

In pondering these questions, Mike's story becomes a mirror, reflecting the deepest philosophical inquiries of humanity. Are we the dream of the dreamer, or are we the dreamer of the dream? How many dimensions do we inhabit, and what lies beyond the boundaries of our understanding? As we continue to push the limits of AI and technology, are we inching closer to unraveling the mysteries of our existence, or are we simply creating new layers of complexity that will forever elude our grasp?

About the Author

Sam Obeidat is an author, futurist, serial entrepreneur, an internationally recognized expert in AI strategy, and a technology product lead. He excels in developing advanced AI technologies across a variety of sectors, including education, fintech, government, defense, and healthcare.

Sam is the founder and managing partner of World AI, which is dedicated to preparing professionals for AI-led advancements in their respective fields. At World AI, Sam has been instrumental in developing AI strategies for more than 30 leading organizations and spearheads the integration of diverse AI technologies. Sam is also the founder of GeminaiX, a technology that aims to automatically build digital AI replicas of human professionals with a vision where humans and machines can coexist in harmony.

Sam holds degrees in Applied Sciences and a Master of Global Management (MGM) with a focus on deep learning in investment management. He is currently pursuing a doctorate at Royal Roads University in Canada, researching the factors that drive successful AI adoption in organizations.

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About AI2071

AI 2071 is a speculative newsletter that explores the impacts of AI on society through episodic narratives. Each episode, set in a different future year, combines storytelling and digital art to illustrate how AI could profoundly shape our lives. Created to provoke thought and discussion, AI 2071 challenges perceptions and inspires a deeper understanding of AI's potential transformations. Each episode presents fictional scenarios to highlight the benefits and risks of advanced AI, making complex concepts accessible and engaging, and encouraging ongoing reflection among readers.